After yesterday’s slight overachievement – de-cluttering five drawers instead of one – today I am going to ONLY do the list. (Although, there’s a not-so-small part of me that wants to take on a few more drawers tonight!) Ok…so make a home project to-do list. Sweet. I’m a game producer; lists are my life. According […]
A Look at the Echo Look

Early Birthday Surprise! I had no idea CJ signed up for the Echo Look beta months ago. What an incredibly amazing surprise! I’ve been not-so-patiently waiting for it to be released to the public, so this sneak peek is thrilling. Let me share my first week’s experience with you! Echo Look Assembly & Mounting It […]
Ode to My Fitbit

Technically Perfect…for me. I love my Fitbit One. It’s been essentially glued to me since the day I got it. I chose this particular Fitbit for three reasons: It had a visible display with actual numbers reflecting what I’ve done during the day (as opposed to arbitrary light-up dots). I can wear it in my bra […]
Hugo House 30/30 Writing Challenge
Up For The Challenge! A few years ago, I made an attempt at NaNoWriMo…and I did…ok-ish. I think I managed a little over half the work and I definitely didn’t finish my book. I still love the idea of writing challenges, but I realistically can’t commit to something huge. Between work, my tiny cookie company, and […]
This Week’s Happy: New Apartment Therapy Book!
One of my absolutely favorite blogs to read is Apartment Therapy. I like to save up the week’s posts until Saturday morning so I can spend the first hour of my weekend snuggled up in bed looking at all of the beautiful home ideas. Blogs like this one inspired me to try painting my great-grandfather’s cabinet. (Check out Domestic […]
A Relevant Rotary Phone

I think rotary phones are charming and fun. Unfortunately, there just doesn’t seem to be much use for them in the modern world of tiny, powerful, pocket-sized computers that not only make calls, but also start your car, stream music, and give you blow-by-blow directions to anywhere. I thought the rotary phone would be gone […]