Back by popular demand… Since moving back to Belltown, I no longer enjoy morning walks around the crown of Queen Anne – which means my shoe photo ops aren’t nearly as frequent. So, after a long sabbatical from my shoe gallery, it’s back! (I’ll do a better job of keeping the shoes coming in 2018!) […]
Smartphone Phone Photo Warrior – that’s me.
Atelier Crenn, Amazing and Memorable

Delicious Getaway It seems like I rarely leave Seattle these days. While I really love spending everyday in my favorite city, there’s definitely a thrill to getting out of town for a couple days. Our fun trip to San Francisco to see friends included a mind-blowing dining experience at Atelier Crenn. Would you like a […]
Good Morning, Seattle! Part 10

Hyderabad & Fort Cochin

This post is way overdue… Back in March, I went to India with some co-workers to visit the EA studio in Hyderabad. While this was definitely a get-down-to-business type of trip, I was extremely lucky to travel with people who like to go out and see stuff. What really made the trip amazing was how […]
Shoe Gallery 3: Spring / Early Summer

I was clearly all about the TOMS this spring. I realize I’m way late to the game here, but they’re so damn comfortable. Also, I rarely take photos of my dance shoes, so please enjoy the bottom photo of my three favorite dance shoes hanging out on my scooter.
Shoe Gallery 2: Fall/Winter

It’s been a while since I posted one of these! Last fall and winter was very comfy shoe season for me. Most of these will kick around for this coming fall.