I typically think of my bedroom as the one place in the house that is consistently clutter and stress-free. However, as I assessed the bedroom for this project, I realized it may have gotten a little messy and I just didn’t notice. Time to declutter the bedroom! So much stuff had accumulated on and around […]
Roy Wagner Has Died

Roy Wagner October 2, 1938 – September 10, 2018. Esteemed Professor of Anthropology at the University of Virginia for 44 years. And my friend – who meant more to me than he’ll ever know. If you’ve stumbled across this article, you may be looking for some context around Roy Wagner’s career and his academic achievements. […]
Best Tokyo Day, Complete with Owl Cafe

Y’all may have gathered that CJ and I recently went to Tokyo and had a simply mah-velous time! While I loved every minute of our trip, Wednesday was definitely the most magical – and it all happened at Ginza. Lunch at Jiro’s That’s right. THE Jiro’s, as in Jiro Dreams of Sushi. It was an […]
U2: The Joshua Tree 2017, Nostalgia, Communitas and Tech

The Significance of “Being There” Months ago, CJ announced that his friend scored us tickets to the U2’s The Joshua Tree 2017 concert. And I was so excited…but not for the reasons you might expect. I was never a huge U2 fan. Don’t misunderstand; I always liked the songs from The Joshua Tree. However, during […]
Small Victories!

This has been a big month for Good Morning Seattle! My readership is the highest it’s ever been and I’m over the moon about it. By the way, the month isn’t even over! Since I am a game producer by day/stealth blogger by night, I couldn’t stop myself from digging into the metrics of some […]
A Spring Morning by the Seattle Waterfront

Seattle, I Love You I am 100% in love with Seattle. It’s a true love. I am aware that Seattle has some flaws, but I passionately love it anyway. Speaking of flaws, let’s talk about how strange this winter/spring has been. Holy cold and rainy, Batman! Yes, yes. We all expect Seattle to be a […]
International Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s Day! My tiny bit of participation… I chose not to strike today. I absolutely support the movement and salute the women who had the lady balls and fortitude to stand together in this manner, however, I find myself in a situation where taking the day off would really put me behind at […]
Sixteen Candles Illustrates Why Hillary Has to be President

Normally I try to avoid talking about politics because there are people I care about who do not share my political views and I never like to hurt feelings or ruffle feathers. But tonight is an exception. Tonight I wanted to write something significant about election day. I wanted to write something conveying how it feels […]
I Solemnly Swear I Am Up To No Good

I dropped off the face of the planet for a little bit because… CJ took me on the BEST DATE EVER. It was a two-day date! He got us passes to watch all eight Harry Potter films in order at a theater. Thornton Place Theater up at Northgate turned it into a pretty awesome event […]
Hope: Turning Shit Into Gold

This photo hangs in a coffee shop near where I work. The quality of the image is lacking – the lights and the glare were really hard to work with – but you can still get the general gist of what’s going on. There’s one woman in the photo and thirteen men. Of the thirteen […]