Day 5 was a good one! Deep clean all the floors and treat myself to flowers. Again, this is an area where I think our typical OCD made things a bit easier for me…and I’m thankful for it since we have plenty of open floor space. We have robot vacuums on each floor to help keep up with cat hair, cat litter, and food and whatever random things my adorable toddler leaves…wherever. On the main floor, where we have polished concrete and carpet, we run the Roborock S7 nightly.
CJ loves to buy home gadgets, and while most of them are interesting, I am most enthusiastic about Roborock S7 because it has given me HOURS of my life back. It both vacuums and mops…and it’s smart enough to know when to do which thing. It never mops my rug. HA! Prior to this wizard of a vacuum, I would dedicate about a half hour to cleaning the downstairs floor after Evelyn went to bed. Then on weekends, I would spend about an hour and a half doing a deep clean on the downstairs floor. Blech.
Now, the Roborock runs while we’re doing bath and bedtime, and by the time I come downstairs for the evening, the floors are clean. It’s been GLORIOUS.
Roborock S7 Didn’t Do It All…
…but it allowed me to spend time cleaning the places the robot doesn’t get on it’s own. So downstairs, I…
- Moved furniture and cleaned under it,
- Tidied the messy, messy cat food station,
- Wiped down the baseboards.
We have Neatos running on the top two floors, so I similarly moved some furniture to clean beneath and wiped down baseboards. I also ran Evelyn’s throw rug through the washer and dryer – which miraculously made the whole room feel brighter and cleaner.
A machine washable rug, you ask? It’s not too good to be true – and it’s been perfect for Evelyn’s room. I highly recommend Lorena Canals rugs for kiddo bedrooms.

The final part, to treat my home to flowers, I did not do. First, we’re locked down for omnicron so I’m not going into a store for flowers. Second, I’m desperately trying to get rid of stuff, not bring more into my home. Instead, Evelyn and I made cookies which are now in my grandmother’s cookie jar. That is how I chose to show my home a little extra love and life: by making family recipes with my daughter.
All in all, I found Day 5 quite impactful. Between freshening up the floors and going overboard on some drawers, the house is starting to transform.