I typically think of my bedroom as the one place in the house that is consistently clutter and stress-free. However, as I assessed the bedroom for this project, I realized it may have gotten a little messy and I just didn’t notice. Time to declutter the bedroom! So much stuff had accumulated on and around […]
Meg Chaney
January Cure: Day 5 – Roborock S7 Rocked It

Day 5 was a good one! Deep clean all the floors and treat myself to flowers. Again, this is an area where I think our typical OCD made things a bit easier for me…and I’m thankful for it since we have plenty of open floor space. We have robot vacuums on each floor to help […]
January Cure: Day 4 – Toss Expired Items

I wish I could take credit for our house being mostly void of expired items, but I can’t. CJ is really great about making sure that all of our food, medications, and cleaning supplies are within “use by” dates. I am, however, really glad that Apartment Therapy mentioned cosmetics in the Day 4 guidance! I’m […]
January Cure: Day 3 – Make an Outbox – and Progress!

Outbox The basic gist of Day 3 of the January Cure was to make an outbox and put one thing in it. I get it. Start small. You don’t have to get rid of the thing. I feel like this works well for folks who don’t LOVE to purge the way I do. So naturally, […]
January Cure: Day 2 – Make a Home Project To-Do List

After yesterday’s slight overachievement – de-cluttering five drawers instead of one – today I am going to ONLY do the list. (Although, there’s a not-so-small part of me that wants to take on a few more drawers tonight!) Ok…so make a home project to-do list. Sweet. I’m a game producer; lists are my life. According […]
January Cure: Day 1 – Declutter a Drawer

Hello, Friends! It’s Been A Long, Long Time… (You’re welcome, for the Bing break!) I’m coming out of hibernation to share something I’m really excited about FINALLY participating in: The January Cure! This has been around on Apartment Therapy for years (maybe more than a decade) and I have always wanted to DO IT. The […]
A Look at the Echo Look

Early Birthday Surprise! I had no idea CJ signed up for the Echo Look beta months ago. What an incredibly amazing surprise! I’ve been not-so-patiently waiting for it to be released to the public, so this sneak peek is thrilling. Let me share my first week’s experience with you! Echo Look Assembly & Mounting It […]
Dressing in Tech: T-shirts Don’t Get Promoted

This is the third and final installment of a series. Check out Dressing in Tech: The Hoodie Curse and Dressing in Tech: It’s Not Me, It’s Your Hoodie. Dress Up to Level Up I’ve been fortunate in my career to see several women rise in the ranks of game companies into management and executive positions. It’s […]
Dressing in Tech: It’s Not Me, It’s Your Hoodie

This is the second installment of Dressing in Tech. Check out Dressing in Tech: The Hoodie Curse. Not Made for Women Most tech companies I’ve worked for are very generous and shower their employees cool and useful company swag – which usually comes in the form of t-shirts and hoodies. So cool! Unfortunately, I never […]
Dressing in Tech: The Hoodie Curse

The Assumption Those of you who don’t work in games probably assume we all dress like this: And it’s not that far from reality… Game studios are abundant with hoodies, jeans, and sneakers. Lots of folks rock hoodies with their favorite IP. Other people wear the hoodies given to them by their company. (Everyone loves […]