I typically think of my bedroom as the one place in the house that is consistently clutter and stress-free. However, as I assessed the bedroom for this project, I realized it may have gotten a little messy and I just didn’t notice. Time to declutter the bedroom! So much stuff had accumulated on and around […]
Meghan Chaney
January Cure: Day 5 – Roborock S7 Rocked It

Day 5 was a good one! Deep clean all the floors and treat myself to flowers. Again, this is an area where I think our typical OCD made things a bit easier for me…and I’m thankful for it since we have plenty of open floor space. We have robot vacuums on each floor to help […]
January Cure: Day 4 – Toss Expired Items

I wish I could take credit for our house being mostly void of expired items, but I can’t. CJ is really great about making sure that all of our food, medications, and cleaning supplies are within “use by” dates. I am, however, really glad that Apartment Therapy mentioned cosmetics in the Day 4 guidance! I’m […]
January Cure: Day 3 – Make an Outbox – and Progress!

Outbox The basic gist of Day 3 of the January Cure was to make an outbox and put one thing in it. I get it. Start small. You don’t have to get rid of the thing. I feel like this works well for folks who don’t LOVE to purge the way I do. So naturally, […]
January Cure: Day 2 – Make a Home Project To-Do List

After yesterday’s slight overachievement – de-cluttering five drawers instead of one – today I am going to ONLY do the list. (Although, there’s a not-so-small part of me that wants to take on a few more drawers tonight!) Ok…so make a home project to-do list. Sweet. I’m a game producer; lists are my life. According […]
January Cure: Day 1 – Declutter a Drawer

Hello, Friends! It’s Been A Long, Long Time… (You’re welcome, for the Bing break!) I’m coming out of hibernation to share something I’m really excited about FINALLY participating in: The January Cure! This has been around on Apartment Therapy for years (maybe more than a decade) and I have always wanted to DO IT. The […]
A Look at the Echo Look

Early Birthday Surprise! I had no idea CJ signed up for the Echo Look beta months ago. What an incredibly amazing surprise! I’ve been not-so-patiently waiting for it to be released to the public, so this sneak peek is thrilling. Let me share my first week’s experience with you! Echo Look Assembly & Mounting It […]
Retail Project Part 3, Macy’s

Note: This is part 3 of a series. To catch up, check out Domestic Warrior: Retail Project Part 1, Nordstrom BP Shoes and Domestic Warrior: Retail Project Part 2, Nordstrom Salon Shoes. Macy’s I like Macy’s. There was always something about the history of the store that I found charming – probably the rerun commercials featuring Bob Hope. Prior […]
Retail Project Part 2, Nordstrom Salon Shoes

Alright! Here we go with part 2! If you need to catch up, check out Domestic Warrior: Retail Project Part 1, Nordstrom BP Shoes After BP Shoes, Pam and I made a bee line straight for Salon Shoes… Salon Shoes Grade: A+ We browsed for less than two minutes when a very attentive salesperson, Andres B, found […]
Retail Project Part 1, Nordstrom BP Shoes

I’ve been dying to do this project for what seems like ages – and last Sunday, Pam and I were finally able to embark on our adventure. As you all know, I’ve been fascinated with American consumerism for quite some time – I’m always trying to dig into why it’s so ingrained in our culture […]