The basic gist of Day 3 of the January Cure was to make an outbox and put one thing in it. I get it. Start small. You don’t have to get rid of the thing. I feel like this works well for folks who don’t LOVE to purge the way I do. So naturally, I took it a little further. Here’s my outbox with the one thing I’ll consider getting rid of:

Hahahahahaha! Just kidding. Here’s the real one:

Sending our previous family Halloween costumes on to another family. While they were super cute and packed with memories, the Tigger costume will never fit Pickle again and I can just as easily cherish the photos.
Honestly, my biggest challenge with this Outbox task was to reign it in – I really wanted to find more stuff to get rid of… So I did. By…
Cleaning Out the Third Floor Hallway
…which had been on my Home Project To-Do list from Day 2!
Our third floor hallway really only gets use in the nice weather because it accesses our balcony and the stairs to the rooftop deck. In the winter, the hallway sometimes becomes a staging area for stuff that’s on it’s way out or things we want to keep but have no where else to put them. It’s gross.
That giant box is a built-in, under-the-counter microwave I’ve been passively trying to sell for months. (Long story.) On top of it, you can see a myriad of toddler clothes that no longer fit Evelyn. While our weather is still total bullshit (read: cold and pouring), I know from experience that spring will sneak up on me in a heartbeat and I’ll be salty about having a bunch of stuff in the hall blocking access to our glorious roof deck oasis.
By a magic stroke of luck, I was FINALLY able to sell that microwave on OfferUp! Then, all I needed to do was a little sorting of toddler clothes into separate bags, and…drumroll, please…

Success! Now I just need spring to get here so I can enjoy access to our balcony and roof! In the meantime, I am definitely enjoying not having an eyesore right outside my bedroom door.