My morning walk might be the most important part of my day. It gets my body moving, I get to enjoy fresh air, pick up a cup of coffee, listen to music, and essentially meditate before my day begins. I require three very important things for my walk to achieve all my goals: a comfortable […]
Not Entirely Unlike Something Technical
Taking Cues from Doctor Who
Spoiler Alert: If you have not watched the first half of Under the Lake in Series 9, do not continue reading as I am about to give away one of the most delightful jokes in the episode. Set Up for the Joke The Doctor and Clara land on a base where one of the crew […]
Ode to My Fitbit

Technically Perfect…for me. I love my Fitbit One. It’s been essentially glued to me since the day I got it. I chose this particular Fitbit for three reasons: It had a visible display with actual numbers reflecting what I’ve done during the day (as opposed to arbitrary light-up dots). I can wear it in my bra […]
Eulogy for My Yahoo! Email Account
I work in the tech industry, therefore, I must always have the coolest new gadget, the hottest smartphone, and use the trendiest web apps. Yes? Hmm…no. There are many cases where I find myself clinging to older technology just because I’m reluctant to abandon something that works well enough for something slightly faster and shinier. […]
eDating Fun – Rejection, Phase II
My favorite rejection is the mutual kind: where two individuals meet and both can tell that there’s just no chemistry or common ground. At the end of the date, there’s a slightly awkward hug and someone says, “It was really great meeting you, I’ll talk to you soon,” but both parties know there will be […]
eDating Fun – Used Fish
For today’s eDating story, I’m temporarily abandoning my shoe analogy for the worn-in maritime “many fish in the sea” analogy. It appears that though there may be many fish in the sea, there aren’t quite so many in the eHarmony dating pool. Twice Hooked: The inevitable day finally came when Sassy Pants and I were […]
eDating Fun – Awkward First Phone Calls
In my opinion, the phone conversation is an archaic and annoying form of communication. It still has its uses in the business world or when one wants to have an in-depth conversation with someone who lives far away, but if I want to talk to someone locally, I’d much rather meet that person for coffee […]
eDating Fun – Rejection, Phase I
Until recently, I considered eDating to be a strangely solitary activity. I never wanted to try it because I envisioned millions of people alone on a Friday night, in pajamas, faces lit by the dim glow of the monitor, furiously typing to strangers who could be nothing other than soul mates. Thankfully, the experience has […]
eDating Fun – A New Series
I’ve found, shockingly, that dating at work might not be the best idea. Now I’m not implying that office dating is an absolutely horrible idea, I’m just saying in general, there may be better ideas out there… So in search of a better idea, I took up eDating as a new hobby, and quickly discovered […]