Early Birthday Surprise! I had no idea CJ signed up for the Echo Look beta months ago. What an incredibly amazing surprise! I’ve been not-so-patiently waiting for it to be released to the public, so this sneak peek is thrilling. Let me share my first week’s experience with you! Echo Look Assembly & Mounting It […]
Not Entirely Unlike Something Technical
U2: The Joshua Tree 2017, Nostalgia, Communitas and Tech

The Significance of “Being There” Months ago, CJ announced that his friend scored us tickets to the U2’s The Joshua Tree 2017 concert. And I was so excited…but not for the reasons you might expect. I was never a huge U2 fan. Don’t misunderstand; I always liked the songs from The Joshua Tree. However, during […]
Nebia Review, A Shower Worth the Wait

Waiting for Nebia On August 14th, 2015, this happened: Roughly one year and eight months (…or 87 weeks…or 609 days…or 14,616 hours) later, it finally arrived! The waiting didn’t actually kill us, but we were truly over the moon when it finally arrived! In case you’re not familiar with Nebia, you should get familiar with it. […]
Dressing in Tech: T-shirts Don’t Get Promoted

This is the third and final installment of a series. Check out Dressing in Tech: The Hoodie Curse and Dressing in Tech: It’s Not Me, It’s Your Hoodie. Dress Up to Level Up I’ve been fortunate in my career to see several women rise in the ranks of game companies into management and executive positions. It’s […]
Dressing in Tech: It’s Not Me, It’s Your Hoodie

This is the second installment of Dressing in Tech. Check out Dressing in Tech: The Hoodie Curse. Not Made for Women Most tech companies I’ve worked for are very generous and shower their employees cool and useful company swag – which usually comes in the form of t-shirts and hoodies. So cool! Unfortunately, I never […]
Dressing in Tech: The Hoodie Curse

The Assumption Those of you who don’t work in games probably assume we all dress like this: And it’s not that far from reality… Game studios are abundant with hoodies, jeans, and sneakers. Lots of folks rock hoodies with their favorite IP. Other people wear the hoodies given to them by their company. (Everyone loves […]
International Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s Day! My tiny bit of participation… I chose not to strike today. I absolutely support the movement and salute the women who had the lady balls and fortitude to stand together in this manner, however, I find myself in a situation where taking the day off would really put me behind at […]
MySpace, Indeed

Leveling Up! Thankfully, there’s a lot more to being a “woman in tech” than sexual harassment and missed opportunities. If you’re at the right company and you have the right attitude, there’s a vast amount of space to grow, both professionally and personally. I can enthusiastically say that my time at MySpace was an extremely […]
The First Was Worst

My first tech job was in 2007 at YellowPages.com, which had just been purchased by AT&T. It was also my first – and worst – experience with unabashed sexism in the workplace. I had just moved to LA (the land of infinite opportunity) from San Luis Obispo (the land of you’re-lucky-if-you-make-a penny-over-minimum-wage). After having spent […]
Technically, a Woman

There are two reasons I haven’t previously written about being a woman in tech. First, it’s a difficult and broad topic to write about. Second, and more importantly, I didn’t want to be labeled “that girl”. You know the one I’m talking about . She takes sexual harassment issues to HR or explicitly tells a […]